open System.IO open System open System.Diagnostics let szPath = @"D:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" let rootPath = @"Z:\bk" let DFpath = @"D:\Project\\Directory Flattener\Directory Flattener\Directory Flattener\bin\Release\Directory_Flattener.exe" let LogSystem = new MailboxProcessor<ConsoleColor * string>(fun x -> let rec loop count = async{ let! c,s = x.Receive() Console.ForegroundColor <- c Console.WriteLine s return! loop (count + 1) } loop 0) let LogRaw (e : string) = LogSystem.Post(ConsoleColor.DarkGray, e) let Log (e : string) = LogSystem.Post(ConsoleColor.White,"[*] " + e) let LogInfo (e : string) = LogSystem.Post(ConsoleColor.DarkGray,"[i] " + e) let LogError (e : string) = LogSystem.Post(ConsoleColor.Red,"[!] " + e) let (|>>) x f = f x; x let Run = Async.Parallel >> Async.RunSynchronously >> ignore let DoubleQuotes i = "\"" + i + "\"" let Argsize args = args |> String.concat " " let LogInfoArgs = Argsize >> LogInfo let LogInfoWithReturn e = e |>> LogInfo let Caller path args rootPath = let mutable StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() StartInfo.FileName <- path StartInfo.Arguments <- args StartInfo.RedirectStandardError <- true StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput <- true StartInfo.UseShellExecute <- false StartInfo.WorkingDirectory <- rootPath StartInfo.CreateNoWindow <- true let cmd = new Process() cmd.StartInfo <- StartInfo cmd.OutputDataReceived.Add (fun e -> match e.Data with | msg when String.IsNullOrEmpty msg |> not -> LogRaw msg | _ -> ()) cmd.EnableRaisingEvents <- true cmd.Start() |> ignore cmd.BeginOutputReadLine() cmd.WaitForExit() let ServeZip args = Caller szPath args rootPath let DirectoryFlattener args = Caller DFpath args rootPath let KoishiViewer _ = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(rootPath) |> (fun m -> async{ let exPath = Path.Combine(m, "ex") Directory.CreateDirectory exPath |> ignore Log <| "move to " + exPath Directory.EnumerateDirectories m |> (fun p -> async{ match Path.GetFileName(p) with | "ex" -> () | name -> let psPath = Path.Combine(m,"ex",name) ["move"; psPath; "to"; p] |> LogInfoArgs Directory.Move(p,psPath) }) |> Run Log <| "Directory Flatten " + exPath DirectoryFlattener exPath Log <| "remove ps dir" Directory.EnumerateDirectories(exPath) |> Seq.iter (LogInfoWithReturn >> Directory.Delete) Log <| "unzip " + m Directory.EnumerateFiles m |> Seq.iter (fun x -> if Path.GetExtension x = ".zip" then LogInfo <| "unzip " + x ["x"; DoubleQuotes x; "-o" + DoubleQuotes (Path.Combine(exPath,Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension x))] |> Argsize |> ServeZip File.Delete x) if Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries exPath |> Seq.length = 0 then Directory.Delete(exPath) }) |> Run [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = LogSystem.Start() KoishiViewer() Log "done." Console.ReadLine() |> ignore 0