Bubble Sort
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> void BubbleSort(int *a, int length) { for (bool swapped = true; swapped; --length) { swapped = false; for (int i = 0; i != length - 1; ++i) { if (a[i] > a[i + 1]) { int temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[i + 1]; a[i + 1] = temp; swapped = true; } } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int a[5] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { scanf("%d", &a[i]); } BubbleSort(a, 5); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { printf("%d ", a[i]); } }
#include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> template <typename T> void BubbleSort(T begin, T end) { auto swapped = true; while (begin != end-- && swapped) { swapped = false; for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i) { if (*(i + 1) < *i) { std::iter_swap(i, i + 1); swapped = true; } } } } int main() { int a[5] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { std::cin >> a[i]; } BubbleSort(std::begin(a), std::end(a)); copy(std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " ")); std::cout << "\n"; }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using static System.Console; namespace BubbleSort { public static class BubbleSortMethods { public static void BubbleSort<T>(this List<T> list) where T : IComparable { var count = list.Count - 1; for (var swapped = true; swapped; --count) { swapped = false; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (list[i].CompareTo(list[i + 1]) > 0) { T temp = list[i + 1]; list[i + 1] = list[i]; list[i] = temp; swapped = true; } } } } } class Program { static void Main() { var list = new List<int>(); foreach(var i in ReadLine().Split(' ')) { list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(i)); } list.BubbleSort(); foreach(var i in list) { Write(i + " "); } } } }
import java.util.Scanner; class Main { public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void BubbleSort(T[] comparable) { int count = comparable.length - 1; for(boolean swapped = true; swapped; --count) { swapped = false; for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (comparable[i].compareTo(comparable[i + 1]) > 0) { T temp = comparable[i + 1]; comparable[i + 1] = comparable[i]; comparable[i] = temp; swapped = true; } } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); String[] input = scan.nextLine().split("\\s+"); scan.close(); Integer[] lst = new Integer[input.length]; for(int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { lst[i] = Integer.parseInt(input[i]); } BubbleSort(lst); for(Integer i : lst) { System.out.print(i + " "); } } }
open System let BubbleSort (lst : list<int>) = let rec sort accum rev lst = match lst, rev with | [], true -> accum |> List.rev | [], false -> accum |> List.rev |> sort [] true | x::y::tail, _ when x > y -> sort (y::accum) false (x::tail) | head::tail, _ -> sort (head::accum) rev tail sort [] true lst [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = ' ' |> Console.ReadLine().Split |> List.ofArray |> List.map (fun i -> i |> Convert.ToInt32) |> BubbleSort |> List.map (fun i -> i.ToString() + " " |> Console.Write) |> ignore
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> Array.prototype.BubbleSort = function () { var count = this.length - 1; for (var swapped = true; swapped; --count) { swapped = false; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (this[i] > this[i + 1]) { var tmp = this[i + 1]; this[i + 1] = this[i]; this[i] = tmp; swapped = true; } } } return this; } var input = prompt('input :').split(' ').map(function(x){ return parseInt(x, 10); }) input.BubbleSort(); alert(input); </script> </body> </html>
bubbleSort[sort[{w___, x_, y_, z___}] /; x > y := sort[{w, y, x, z}]] := list
<?php function BubbleSort(array &$array){ $count = count($array) - 1; for($swapped = true;$swapped;--$count){ $swapped = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i){ if ($array[$i] > $array[$i + 1]){ list($array[$i + 1], $array[$i]) = array($array[$i], $array[$i + 1]); $swapped = true; } } } return $array; } $test = array(32132,132,132,132,165,5646,4897,4564,654986,4651651,2313212312,2); print_r(BubbleSort($test)); ?>
function BubbleSort ($a) { $count = $a.Length - 1 for ($swapped = $true; $swapped; --$count) { $swapped = $false for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count; ++$i) { if ($a[$i] -gt $a[$i+1]) { $a[$i], $a[$i+1] = $a[$i+1], $a[$i] $swapped = $true } } } } $test = (31,65,56,4564,1,3513,5468,46584,684,52) BubbleSort($test) $test
def BubbleSort(lst): def sort(accum,rev,lst): if lst == [] and rev: return list(reversed(accum)) elif lst == [] and rev == False: return sort([], True, list(reversed(accum))) else: if len(lst) == 1: return sort(lst + accum, rev, []) x,y,tail = lst[:1],lst[1:2],lst[2:] if x > y: return sort(y + accum, False, x + tail) else: return sort(x + accum, rev, y + tail) return sort([],True,lst) print(BubbleSort(list(map(int,input().split()))))
Sequence List
type SeqList<'a> (?items) = let items = defaultArg items [] member this.InsertAfter index item = SeqList((List.chunkBySize index items).Head @ [item] @ List.skip index items) member this.RemoveAt index = SeqList((List.chunkBySize index items).Head @ List.skip index items) member this.Items = items [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = let s = new SeqList<int>([654;54;64;78;2;2]) printfn "%A" s.Items printfn "%A" (s.InsertAfter 1 233).Items printfn "%A" (s.RemoveAt 2).Items System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore 0
Singly-linked List
#include<iostream> template<typename T> struct SinglyLinkedListNode { SinglyLinkedListNode* next; T data; SinglyLinkedListNode(T data, SinglyLinkedListNode* next = nullptr) : next(next), data(data) {} }; template<typename T> void Insert(SinglyLinkedListNode<T>* node, SinglyLinkedListNode<T>* newNode) { newNode->next = node->next; node->next = newNode; } template<typename T> void Delete(SinglyLinkedListNode<T>* node, SinglyLinkedListNode<T>* delNode) { node->next = delNode; delete delNode; } int main() { auto a = new SinglyLinkedListNode<int>(1); auto b = new SinglyLinkedListNode<int>(2); Insert(a, b); std::cout << a->data << " " << a->next << " " << a->next->data << " " << a->next->next; }
type Stack<'a> (?items) = let items = defaultArg items [] member x.Items = items member x.Push(A) = Stack(A::items) member x.Pop() = match items with | head::tail -> (head,Stack(tail)) | _ -> failwith "Null" [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = let s1 = Stack([5;4;3;2;1]) let s2 = s1.Push(6) let i,s3 = s2.Pop() printfn "%A" s1.Items printfn "%A" s2.Items printfn "%A" (i,s3.Items) System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore 0
type Queue<'T> (?items) = let items = defaultArg items [] member this.Items = items member this.Enqueue(A) = Queue(items@[A]) member this.Dequeue() = match items with | head::tail -> (head,Queue(tail)) | _ -> failwith "Null" [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = let q1 = Queue([1;2;3;4;5]) let q2 = q1.Enqueue 6 let i,q3 = q2.Dequeue() printfn "%A" q1.Items printfn "%A" q2.Items printfn "%A" (i,q3.Items) System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore 0
Tree Traversal
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define T int typedef struct node { T value; struct node* left; struct node* right; } node; node* Tree(T v, node* l, node* r) { node* n = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); n->value = v; n->left = l; n->right = r; return n; } void Preorder(node* n, void(*fun)(T)) { fun(n->value); if (n->left) Preorder(n->left, fun); if (n->right) Preorder(n->right, fun); } void Inorder(node* n, void(*fun)(T)) { if (n->left) Inorder(n->left, fun); fun(n->value); if (n->right) Inorder(n->right, fun); } void Postorder(node* n, void(*fun)(T)) { if (n->left) Postorder(n->left, fun); if (n->right) Postorder(n->right, fun); fun(n->value); } void PrintInt(int n) { printf("%d ", n); } int main() { /* 1 / \ / \ 2 3 / \ / 4 5 6 / / \ 7 8 9 */ node* n = Tree(1, Tree(2, Tree(4, Tree(7, NULL, NULL), NULL), Tree(5, NULL, NULL)), Tree(3, Tree(6, Tree(8, NULL, NULL), Tree(9, NULL, NULL)), NULL)); Preorder(n, PrintInt); printf("\n"); Inorder(n, PrintInt); printf("\n"); Postorder(n, PrintInt); }
#include <iostream> template<typename T> class Node { public: T Value; Node* Left; Node* Right; Node(const T &v, Node* l = nullptr, Node* r = nullptr) :Value(v), Left(l), Right(r) {} void Preorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { fun(Value); if (Left) Left->Preorder(fun); if (Right) Right->Preorder(fun); } void Inorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { if (Left) Left->Inorder(fun); fun(Value); if (Right) Right->Inorder(fun); } void Postorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { if (Left) Left->Postorder(fun); if (Right) Right->Postorder(fun); fun(Value); } }; int main() { Node<int> n(1, new Node<int>(2, new Node<int>(4, new Node<int>(7)), new Node<int>(5)), new Node<int>(3, new Node<int>(6, new Node<int>(8), new Node<int>(9)))); auto fun = [](auto n) { std::cout << n << " "; }; n.Preorder(fun); std::cout << std::endl; n.Inorder(fun); std::cout << std::endl; n.Postorder(fun); }
#include <iostream> #include <stack> template<typename T> class Node { public: T Value; Node* Left; Node* Right; Node(const T &v, Node* l = nullptr, Node* r = nullptr) :Value(v), Left(l), Right(r) {} void Preorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { std::stack<const Node*> s; s.push(this); while (!s.empty()) { const Node* n = s.top(); s.pop(); fun(n->Value); if (n->Right) s.push(n->Right); if (n->Left) s.push(n->Left); } } void Inorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { std::stack<const Node*> s; for (const Node* n = this; !s.empty() || n; n = n->Right) { while (n) { s.push(n); n = n->Left; } n = s.top(); s.pop(); fun(n->Value); } } void Postorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { std::stack<const Node*> s; const Node* n = this, *last = nullptr, *top = nullptr; while (!s.empty() || n) { while (n) { s.push(n); n = n->Left; } top = s.top(); if (top->Right && top->Right != last) n = top->Right; else { fun(top->Value); last = s.top(); s.pop(); } } } }; int main() { Node<int> n(1, new Node<int>(2, new Node<int>(4, new Node<int>(7)), new Node<int>(5)), new Node<int>(3, new Node<int>(6, new Node<int>(8), new Node<int>(9)))); auto fun = [](auto n) { std::cout << n << " "; }; n.Preorder(fun); std::cout << std::endl; n.Inorder(fun); std::cout << std::endl; n.Postorder(fun); std::cout << std::endl; }
using namespace System; using namespace System::Collections::Generic; template<typename T> public class Node { public: Node(const T &v, Node* l = nullptr, Node* r = nullptr) :Value(v), Left(l), Right(r) {} void Preorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { fun(Value); if (Left) Left->Preorder(fun); if (Right) Right->Preorder(fun); } void Inorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { if (Left) Left->Inorder(fun); fun(Value); if (Right) Right->Inorder(fun); } void Postorder(void(*fun)(T)) const { if (Left) Left->Postorder(fun); if (Right) Right->Postorder(fun); fun(Value); } private: T Value; Node* Left; Node* Right; }; Node<int>* BuildIntTree(List<String ^> ^input , int index = 0) { auto level = input[index]->Split(' ')->Length - 1; auto child = gcnew List<int>(); for (auto i = index + 1; i < input->Count; ++i) { if (input[i]->Split(' ')->Length - 1 == level + 1) child->Add(i); if (input[i]->Split(' ')->Length - 1 < level + 1) break; } return new Node<int>(Convert::ToInt32(input[index]->Trim()), child->Count > 0 ? BuildIntTree(input, child[0]) : nullptr, child->Count > 1 ? BuildIntTree(input, child[1]) : nullptr); } int main() { auto input = gcnew List<String ^>(); for (auto i = Console::ReadLine(); i != ""; i = Console::ReadLine()) input->Add(i); auto n = BuildIntTree(input); auto fun = [](auto n) { Console::Write(n.ToString() + " "); }; n->Preorder(fun); Console::WriteLine(); n->Inorder(fun); Console::WriteLine(); n->Postorder(fun); }
#include "cuda_runtime.h" #include "device_launch_parameters.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #define v 0 #define l 1 #define r 2 __host__ void Preorder(void*** nodes, void(*fun)(void*)) { int id = 0; printf("Preorder %d:", id); int* top = NULL; void*** stack = NULL; top = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); stack = (void***)malloc(100 * sizeof(void**)); *top = -1; stack[++*top] = nodes[id]; while (*top > -1) { stack[99] = stack[(*top)--]; fun(stack[99][v]); if (stack[99][r]) stack[++*top] = (void**)stack[99][r]; if (stack[99][l]) stack[++*top] = (void**)stack[99][l]; } } __host__ void Inorder(void*** nodes, void(*fun)(void*)) { int id = 0; printf("Preorder %d:", id); int* top = NULL; void*** stack = NULL; top = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); stack = (void***)malloc(100 * sizeof(void***)); *top = -1; for (stack[99] = nodes[id]; *top > -1 || stack[99]; stack[99] = (void**)stack[99][r]) { while(stack[99]) { stack[++*top] = stack[99]; stack[99] = (void**)stack[99][l]; } stack[99] = stack[(*top)--]; fun(stack[99][v]); } } __host__ void Postorder(void*** nodes, void(*fun)(void*)) { int id = 0; printf("Preorder %d:", id); int* top = NULL; void*** stack = NULL; top = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); stack = (void***)malloc(100 * sizeof(void***)); *top = -1; stack[99] = nodes[id]; while (*top > -1 || stack[99]) { while (stack[99]) { stack[++*top] = stack[99]; stack[99] = (void**)stack[99][l]; } if (stack[*top][r] && stack[*top][r] != (void*)stack[98]) stack[99] = (void**)stack[*top][r]; else { fun(stack[*top][v]); stack[98] = stack[(*top)--]; } } } __host__ void** Tree(void* value, void* left, void* right) { void** node = NULL; node = (void**)malloc(3 * sizeof(void*)); node[v] = value; node[l] = left; node[r] = right; return node; } __host__ void callCuda() { int n[9]; for (auto i = 0; i < 9; ++i)n[i] = i + 1; void*** nodes = NULL; nodes = (void***)malloc(5 * sizeof(void***)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { nodes[i] = Tree((void*)&n[0], Tree((void*)&n[1], Tree((void*)&n[3], Tree((void*)&n[6], NULL, NULL), NULL), Tree((void*)&n[4], NULL, NULL)), Tree((void*)&n[2], Tree((void*)&n[5], Tree((void*)&n[7], NULL, NULL), Tree((void*)&n[8], NULL, NULL)), NULL)); } auto fun = [](void* n) { std::cout << *(int*)n << " "; }; Preorder(nodes, fun); std::cout << std::endl; Inorder(nodes, fun); std::cout << std::endl; Postorder(nodes, fun); } int main() { callCuda(); return 0; }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Temp { public class Node<T> { private T Value; private Node<T> Left; private Node<T> Right; public Node(T v, Node<T> l = default, Node<T> r = default) { Value = v; Left = l; Right = r; } public IEnumerable<T> Preorder() { yield return Value; if (Left != default) foreach (var v in Left.Preorder()) yield return v; if (Right != default) foreach (var v in Right.Preorder()) yield return v; } public IEnumerable<T> Inorder() { if (Left != default) foreach (var v in Left.Inorder()) yield return v; yield return Value; if (Right != default) foreach (var v in Right.Inorder()) yield return v; } public IEnumerable<T> Postorder() { if (Left != default) foreach (var v in Left.Postorder()) yield return v; if (Right != default) foreach (var v in Right.Postorder()) yield return v; yield return Value; } } class Temp { static void Main(string[] args) { var t = new Node<int>(1, new Node<int>(2, new Node<int>(4, new Node<int>(7)), new Node<int>(5)), new Node<int>(3, new Node<int>(6, new Node<int>(8), new Node<int>(9)))); foreach (var f in new Func<IEnumerable<int>>[] { t.Preorder, t.Inorder, t.Postorder }) { Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", f.Method.Name, string.Join(" ", f())); } } } }
-module(traversal). -export([main/0]). tree() -> {}. tree(V) -> {V, {}, {}}. tree(V, L, R) -> {V, L, R}. preorder(_, {}) -> ok; preorder(F, {V, L, R}) -> F(V), preorder(F, L), preorder(F, R). inorder(_, {}) -> ok; inorder(F, {V, L, R}) -> inorder(F, L), F(V), inorder(F, R). postorder(_, {}) -> ok; postorder(F, {V, L, R}) -> postorder(F, L), postorder(F, R), F(V). main() -> T = tree(1, tree(2, tree(4, tree(7), tree()), tree(5)), tree(3, tree(6, tree(8), tree(9)), tree())), F = fun(X) -> io:format("~p ", [X]) end, preorder(F, T), io:format("~n"), inorder(F, T), io:format("~n"), postorder(F, T).
type 'T Tree = | Empty | Node of 'T * 'T Tree * 'T Tree let rec Preorder f = function | Empty -> () | Node(v,l,r) -> f v Preorder f l Preorder f r let rec Inorder f = function | Empty -> () | Node(v,l,r) -> Inorder f l f v Inorder f r let rec Postorder f = function | Empty -> () | Node(v,l,r) -> Postorder f l Postorder f r f v [<EntryPoint>] let main _ = let t = Node(1, Node(2, Node(4, Node(7,Empty,Empty), Empty), Node(5,Empty,Empty)), Node(3, Node(6, Node(8,Empty,Empty), Node(9,Empty,Empty)), Empty)) let f = (fun x -> printf "%A " x) Preorder f t printfn "" Inorder f t printfn "" Postorder f t 0
import java.util.function.Consumer; class Node<T> { private T Value; private Node<T> Left = null; private Node<T> Right =null; public Node(T v) { Value=v; } public Node(T v,Node<T> l,Node<T> r) { Value=v; Left=l; Right=r; } public void Preorder(Consumer<T> f) { f.accept(Value); if(Left != null) Left.Preorder(f); if(Right != null) Right.Preorder(f); } public void Inorder(Consumer<T> f) { if(Left != null) Left.Inorder(f); f.accept(Value); if(Right != null) Right.Inorder(f); } public void Postorder(Consumer<T> f) { if(Left != null) Left.Postorder(f); if(Right != null) Right.Postorder(f); f.accept(Value); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Node<Integer> t = new Node<Integer>(1, new Node<Integer>(2, new Node<Integer>(4, new Node<Integer>(7),null), new Node<Integer>(5)), new Node<Integer>(3, new Node<Integer>(6, new Node<Integer>(8), new Node<Integer>(9)), null)); Consumer<Integer> f = (x) -> System.out.print(x+" "); t.Preorder(f); System.out.println(); t.Inorder(f); System.out.println(); t.Postorder(f); } }
var v = 0, l = 1, r = 2, Preorder = n => [n[v]].concat(n[l] ? Preorder(n[l]) : []).concat(n[r] ? Preorder(n[r]) : []), Inorder = n => (n[l] ? Inorder(n[l]) : []).concat(n[v]).concat(n[r] ? Inorder(n[r]) : []), Postorder = n => (n[l] ? Postorder(n[l]) : []).concat(n[r] ? Postorder(n[r]) : []).concat(n[v]), t = [1, [2, [4, [7]], [5]], [3, [6, [8], [9]]]]; [Preorder, Inorder, Postorder].map(f => document.write(f(t)+"<br>"));
var v = 0, l = 1, r = 2, Preorder = n => [n[v]].concat(n[l] ? Preorder(n[l]) : []).concat(n[r] ? Preorder(n[r]) : []), Inorder = n => (n[l] ? Inorder(n[l]) : []).concat(n[v]).concat(n[r] ? Inorder(n[r]) : []), Postorder = n => (n[l] ? Postorder(n[l]) : []).concat(n[r] ? Postorder(n[r]) : []).concat(n[v]), t = [1, [2, [4, [7] ], [5]], [3, [6, [8], [9] ] ]]; [Preorder, Inorder, Postorder].map(f => console.log(f(t)));
<?php class Node { private $Value; private $Left; private $Right; function __construct($v,$l = null,$r = null) { $this->Value=$v; $this->Left=$l; $this->Right=$r; } public function Preorder($f) { $f($this->Value); if($this->Left != null) $this->Left->Preorder($f); if($this->Right != null) $this->Right->Preorder($f); } public function Inorder($f) { if($this->Left != null) $this->Left->Inorder($f); $f($this->Value); if($this->Right != null) $this->Right->Inorder($f); } public function Postorder($f) { if($this->Left != null) $this->Left->Postorder($f); if($this->Right != null) $this->Right->Postorder($f); $f($this->Value); } } $tree = new Node(1, new Node(2, new Node(4, new Node(7)), new Node(5)), new Node(3, new Node(6, new Node(8), new Node(9)))); $f=function($x){echo $x;}; $tree->Preorder($f); echo " "; $tree->Inorder($f); echo " "; $tree->Postorder($f); ?>
node = lambda v,l,r:[v,l,r] leaf = lambda v:[v,[],[]] null = [] def Preorder(f,t): if not t == []: v,l,r = t f(v) Preorder(f,l) Preorder(f,r) def Inorder(f,t): if not t == []: v,l,r = t Inorder(f,l) f(v) Inorder(f,r) def Postorder(f,t): if not t == []: v,l,r = t Postorder(f,l) Postorder(f,r) f(v) t = node(1, node(2, node(4, leaf(7), null), leaf(5)), node(3, node(6, leaf(8), leaf(9)), null)) f = lambda x:print(x,end=' ') Preorder(f,t) print() Inorder(f,t) print() Postorder(f,t)
node() { value[$1]=$1 left[$1]=$2 right[$1]=$3 } node 1 2 3 node 2 4 5 node 3 6 node 4 7 node 5 node 6 8 9 node 7 node 8 node 9 traversal() { local nx=$1 shift for branch in $@ ; do case "$branch" in left) if [ ${left[$nx]} ]; then traversal ${left[$nx]} $@ ; fi ;; right) if [ "${right[$nx]}" ]; then traversal ${right[$nx]} $@ ; fi ;; self) printf "%d " ${value[$nx]} ;; esac done } preorder() { traversal $1 self left right ; } inorder() { traversal $1 left self right ; } postorder() { traversal $1 left right self ; } preorder 1 echo '' inorder 1 echo '' postorder 1
Wolfram Language
preorder[a_] := a; preorder[a_[b__]] := Flatten@{a, preorder /@ {b}}; inorder[a_] := a; inorder[a_[b_, c_]] := Flatten@{inorder@b, a, inorder@c}; inorder[a_[b_]] := Flatten@{inorder@b, a}; postorder[a_] := a; postorder[a_[b__]] := Flatten@{postorder /@ {b}, a};