open System open System.IO open Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs let (|>>) x f = f x ; x let DirectoryPick _ = let dialog = new CommonOpenFileDialog() dialog.IsFolderPicker <- true match dialog.ShowDialog() with | CommonFileDialogResult.Ok -> dialog.FileName | _ -> String.Empty let rec getAllFiles dir = seq { yield! try Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.*") with | _ -> Seq.empty for d in (try Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir) with | _ -> Seq.empty) do yield! getAllFiles d } let DirectoryWalk path = try path |> getAllFiles |> ( fun x -> x + " " |> (fun y -> try (new FileInfo(y)).Length with | _ -> 0L)) |> Seq.reduce (+) |> (fun x -> (((double)x / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.) |> Convert.ToString) + " GB") with | _ -> String.Empty let SubdirectoryWalk path = Directory.GetDirectories(path) |> List.ofArray |> (fun p -> (25 |> (p |> DirectoryWalk).PadLeft) + " " + p |> Console.WriteLine) |> ignore [<STAThread>] [<EntryPoint>] let main argv = match argv.Length with | 0 -> DirectoryPick() | _ -> argv.[0] |> SubdirectoryWalk Console.ReadLine() |> ignore 0